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Well probably not what you expected to see!!! ......and up until Christmas last year it wouldn't have been here but unfortunately from the beginning of the year I have had breathing problems, wheezy chest and a blocked nose. After three repeat prescriptions, a chest x-ray and a spirometry test (touch wood), things seem to be ok. Back at the GP's tomorrow for a check-up so hopefully that will be it.


Update: I have Asthma, thankfully the Purple Inhaler seems to be working!!

Might as well start at the bottom.


If you're going to buy walking boots, your first pair is going to be a bit of a gamble!! All new walking boots or shoes are going to be a bit stiff when you try them on in the shop.....but how are they going to feel in five hours time? what about in ten, twenty or forty miles time?


I googled it and came up with a few good makes, that fitted my budget, and decided on what felt best. For me it was 'Salomon'. It's the only make I've tried and now I refuse to try anything different because my feet like them!! They are light, which I like, with higher ankle support which suits all the off-road walking I do and they're waterproof, which was a bonus walking through the recent snow.

Boots are important, but I also think that good socks are just as important. It's not very often that you'd catch me paying between £12-15 for a pair of socks, but I do now!! 


'Bridgedale' socks, I like these. My combination of sock and boot has worked well for me but after my 60km walk last year my feet were beginning to show signs of rubbing, and had my walk been further I made of experienced problems. This year I'm going to experiment with taping, the use of Zinc Oxide Tape (or equivalent) for blister prevention. I'll let you know how that goes later.



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